Dear, I open for direct swap. You can contact me via email : I collect: - Lunar new year; - Lady slipper & Dancing lady orchid; - Tom of Finland; - Inge Look Aunties; - Blue Cats World Trip; - Erotic (about men); - Van Gogh card from museum


My postcard album for swap
If you find something interesting in my album and want to swap, you can drop me some lines with your album. Thank you.

jeudi 14 décembre 2023

Japan - Year of Dragon card,

My first New year card arrived from Japan as tradition. Japan is the first country to issue the Lunar new year stamp each year.


Thank you so much Magenta! 

dimanche 30 avril 2023

Germany - The little Prince and the Fox;


- Il faut être très patient, répondit le renard. Tu t'assoiras d'abord un peu loin de moi, comme ca., hans l'herbe. Je te regarderai du coin de l'oeil et tu ne diras rien. Le langage est source de malentendus. Mais, chaque joir, tu pourras t'asseoir un peu plus près...

(Le petit prince)

Thank you Marie!

dimanche 2 avril 2023

Vietnam - Postcard by designer Đốm,

I bought these cards recently. They are all artwork of a young women designer called Đốm. I really appreciate her work. It makes me remember about my childhood, about many other illutrations on a newpaper for highschool student, Hoa học trò, a long long time ago.

My scanner does not run well much but for sure the color in real is vivid and brilliant.

Waiting for your new work, Đốm.

My house in the middle of down town with the window opening to the road. Another big road just next my house and toward to the West. I still remember the sunset with the rad and big sun at the end of that road. It was so impressive, especially to a kid like me at that time.

I think about the little prince. 

Yes it is something of my childhood. We, all street boys, in the hot summer, with the kit on hand, go to the park, trees with green. 

I love the rain. Hear the rain on the roof or see it through the window glass, it makes me feel peace.

I used to live in the centre of city so there was not much green space around my house. But I oftens layed on our roof in the summer night to see the sky and stars. At that time, there was not much streetlamps and the led ligh from a lot of billboards, I could see quite well the stars lighting.

Laying on the grass, breath the night fresh air, hear the song of insects. It is so relax. A long time I cannot find that feeling in this big city.

Here is the backside of each card

Some words about Đốm Đốm:

Real name :Vũ Thủy Ngọc Hà , Female, 9x.

Born in Bảo Lộc, Lâm Đồng.

Some artworks of Đốm Đốm have been published : 

- Cover illutrations : Prince of Straw (Kim Dong Publishing House, 2017), Father's Hand (Kim Dong Publishing House, 2017), Jenny's Adventures in the Kingdom of Ham Play (Kim Dong Publishing House, 2017). Kim Dong Publishing House, 2019), This story lies (Women Publishing House & Skybooks, 2020)...

- Book illutration : Friends (Kim Dong publishing house , 2021)