Dear, I open for direct swap. You can contact me via email : I collect: - Lunar new year; - Lady slipper & Dancing lady orchid; - Tom of Finland; - Inge Look Aunties; - Blue Cats World Trip; - Erotic (about men); - Van Gogh card from museum


My postcard album for swap
If you find something interesting in my album and want to swap, you can drop me some lines with your album. Thank you.

samedi 12 décembre 2020

Vietnam, Year of the Buffle issue;

Today, Vietnam post release new issue to celebrate the lunar new year 2021 : Year of the Buffle. 

The stampset is designed by N.Q.Vinh. As reminder, N.Q.Vinh had designed Year of the Mouse 2020 stamps also and it seems that he will continue his serie untill the end of 12 lunar astronologic circle.

The lunar new year festival is called  "Tết". One of many vietnamese beautiful activities for "Tết" is to go to the Tết market and shopping food, decoration items, etc for the festival.

The stampset shows the buffle go to the Tết market. On their shoulder, we can see many of typical fruits for the both poles of Vietnam: North and South.

I met the designer at Philatelie bureau today and of corse I didnot forget to request him to sign on my philatelie items.